Plants in the Home
A lot of plants are pretty but to the touch, they are very dangerous. If the plant comes into contact with your skin, it can cause irritation, rashes, and redness with bumps. This can prevent an individual from working due to the problem with their skin.
This is the most common form of danger that comes from a plant. When an individual bruises, damages, or burns the sap oil that is from poison ivy, poison oak, or poison sumac, it can cause lung cancer.
Plants can become modeled when you overwater them. Although mold can grow on a plant, when it is emitted it is not as dangerous as it usually only causes asthma or triggers individual allergies.
Poison Oak
Much like poison ivy, this plant can cause skin irritation. They usually have three leaves (similar to poison ivy) but the Pacific poison oak is much like the western position ivy except it’s vine-like.
Poison Sumac
Poison sumac can be identified by their woody shrub and their leaves (7-13) arranged in pairs with glossy, pale yellow, or cream-colored berries
Poison Ivy
Poison ivy is one of the most well-known and dangerous plants. There are two main types: Eastern and Western poison ivy. Eastern poison ivy features a hairy vine, resembling a rope, with three green leaves on a single stem, which turn red in the fall. Western poison ivy, on the other hand, has three leaves that form a climbing vine and may have yellow, green, white, or green-yellow flowers or berries.
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Skin Irritation (aka contact dermatitis)
One of the first things you should do is wash your skin with rubbing alcohol, poison plant washes, degreasing soap (such as dishwashing soap) or detergent, and lots of water immediately following the exposure. Wash any other places on your body such as the nails to lessen the amount of exposure from spreading worsening the issue. If you would like to take a certain type of medicine to help with the pain, you can take Benadryl or something related to it. If the rash is anywhere on the face or genitals, call 911 as they can provide you with professional help on what to do.
Identify Dangerous plants
By educating yourself on the different ways to identify a dangerous plant, you can lessen your chances of ever getting in danger with them. Read the information above and look at the photos to help familiarize yourself with the different types of poisonous plants.