This can be emitted from fuels, gases, or from generators around your home.
These occur when power lines outside are covered in frost or get messed up, preventing them from functioning properly and resulting in power outages.
Frostbite is a common condition that occurs when a person is exposed to freezing temperatures. It can cause permanent damage and irritation to areas like the nose, ears, cheeks, chin, fingers, and toes.
This is a very serious illness that results from frostbite.


Generators can emit carbon monoxide into your home if you put it inside. This is why it is always pleaded with people to install their generators outside rather than inside to eliminate this from happening.
How to Limit & Avoid Danger
Plan Ahead
The best way to be prepared for a blizzard is to plan before, during, and after it occurs. To do this you can create a plan of exit in case a blizzard is near your home or create a designated spot in your home that you all can locate when the issue occurs. Another way you can do this is by weatherproofing your home by sealing any exterior/interior cracks, getting battery things that can be used to heat food, installing thermometers that are easy for you to read, listening to your newscast to stay updated on what they are suggesting for you to do, and getting a generator (ALWAYS KEEP THEM OUTSIDE)
If you happen to get frostbite, seek medical attention as soon as possible. If you aren’t able to get medical attention, warm the individual up in any way you can whether it be through warming them yourselves or using a heating pad, and if necessary perform CPR in case they pass out.
AC Outages
If your heat goes out during a blizzard, gather candles for your home. Not only that but close to any cracks in your home, close any windows where air could come in, and where warm clothing.
Frequently Asked Questions (coming soon)
References & Helpful Articles